
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The sky is deep black
The harder you try to look
The less you see

Burning stars are but small
silvery specks high above
sparing no light

The air is now chilled
raw and crisp
The days heat a mere ghost

I pull my sweatshirt
tighter around me
and lean into the warmth

The campfire the only comfort
the flames hypnotize me
dancing, leaping and twirling

The wood crackles
as its girth succumbs to the heat
popping and crackling

I can feel its breath
escaping from the pit
trying to reach me

Before the cold mountain air
Sweeps it away
Warmth as distant as the morning


I hold the fruit in my hands
A rich medley of golden yellows and deep reds
Speckled with emerald green
My own dinosaur egg

I bring the cold fruit to my mouth
My teeth piercing the skin
The juice dribbles down my chin
and trickles down my fingers

I peel away its soft shell
Gently uncovering luxury
My mouth waters in
anticipation of this delectable gift

The ripe meat is exposed
The color of sunshine
The aroma sweet and heavy
Like the land in which it grows

I take a bite of the ripe meat
It is soft and creamy on my tongue
Splendid golden goodness
melts in my mouth

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I can not avoid
your allure
Your warm bed
I can not resist

I am tumbling
My once still world
will not stop

I tumble
over and over
head over heels
heels over head

I spin into bliss
my head now fuzzy
a drunken stupor
my body is warm
my limbs tingle

I tumble
over and over
head over heels
heels over head

I am not an alcoholic
or an addict
or a blinded lover

You are not my whiskey
or my drug
or my abusive love

I am a worn cloth
You are my dryer

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Heavens Below

She lays on the soft warm grass
closing her eyes
her tired body relaxes into the earth

The inviting sun hugs her with his warmth
It has been three seasons too long
since she's felt his embrace

She can hear the summer wind
as it lazily sweeps through the trees
Stopping to spin, twirl, and dance with the leaves

The tall cottonwoods peek down at her
their branches painting self portraits
on her closed eyes
and the soft green canvas beneath her

As the earth spins
she feels gravity holding her
Knowing he wont let her fall

She lays on the soft warm grass
Opening her eyes
her body relaxed

She looks out into the heavens
A beautiful blue ocean below

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


He can never sleep
He rolls back and forth
His body always aches
When he truly wakes
He untangles the sheets
he stumbles out of bed
stubbing his toe
His hair is short,
it wont listen
but only
because he needs it to.
He climbs into his car
slamming the door
She is gray, her paint peeling
so much push and pull
She never starts right away
Only because
He needs her to
The traffic is endless
Roofs shimmer in the
hot sun
for miles and miles
He is hungry
A drive thru
His order is wrong
He said no tomatoes
The cold egg sandwich
Is shoved down
He bites his tongue
The cool blood trickling
His day will not go well
but only 
because he needs it to

A Little Froggie

A little froggie
begins to wake
with eyes barely open
he is warm inside
His weight wobbles
He stretches
his long green limbs
He yawns
a great big yawn
His tongue rolls out
the sweet aroma
of the morning
The lily pad petals
still cradling him
The morning sun
rippling the pond


She does not possess a car, nor does she walk.
She rides around lazily on her beautiful old lavender beach cruiser.
Her long sun dress settles on her rich body,
her floppy hat; a crown.
Her red painted toes bask in the glinting sun,
her long curls ballroom dance in the breeze.
When she slows to a stop
it is only because
her bike is tired,
she does not clench her fingers on the brakes,
she lets her tire's slowly roll,
gently hopping off
as the cruiser comes to a sleepy stop.
 Her beach cruiser rests in the cool grass.
She glides through the park,
the grass squishing between her toes,
the summer sun shining through the trees,
the smell of smoky barbeque,
the sounds of laughing and love.
She eats and drinks.
Slowly, savoring every bite,
smiling after each sip.
She bites into a crescent moon of watermelon,
grinning as the juice drips down her chin. Savoring the crisp cool fruit
as its meat
crumbles on her tongue.